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Henry's chickpea curry

"Everything but the kitchen sink chickpea curry" is an adaptable recipe to use up what you've got left in the cupboards and bulk cook on a budget. A perfect recipe to add to your repertoire as a student.


The brilliance of this recipe is that it's super adaptable to what you have lying around the kitchen, but below are some core ingredients...

  • One onion, chopped 
  • Garlic to your liking 
  • Your favourite spices - mine are garam masala, cumin and ginger
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 
  • 2 tins of chickpeas
  • Vegetables of your choice 


1) Heat oil in your biggest saucepan over a medium heat: add your onions, stirring occasionally until softened (about 5 mins).

2) Add garlic and leave to cook for around a minute.

3) Time to add your favourite spices - mine were garam masala, cumin and ginger. Cook until you can smell the spices.

4) Add a small amount of water (about half a cup) and then add tinned chopped tomatoes and leave for another couple of minutes.

5) Add the chickpeas – crush them when they’re in the pan.

6) This is where you can get creative to bulk out the curry – I would add a can of baked beans (it sweetens it up a little), kidney beans, or lentils.

7) Let it cook for a couple of minutes, and when it’s bubbling, add your veg – whatever you like. I usually add frozen peas and any veg or potatoes that are going out of date soon!

8) Reduce the heat and let it thicken slightly for about 15 minutes.

9) Check for seasoning – add salt, pepper and spices as you see fit and you're done! 

Split into separate containers and you have a few meals prepared. It’s great on toast, with pita or naan bread, or with rice for something more filling.