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Philippa's veggie pasta bake

Philippa, a recent graduate from the School of Management, shares her go-to vegetarian pasta bake recipe


  • Dried pasta (I prefer fusilli)
  • A can of passata
  • Red onion
  • Garlic ( I tend to cheat and buy easy garlic that's already diced)
  • Aubergine
  • Courgette
  • Red Romano peppers
  • Peas (frozen)
  • Cheddar cheese/ non-dairy cheese
  • Cooking oil



1) Cook your pasta as per their instructions and pre-heat your oven to Fan 180 degrees.

2) Meanwhile, dice your red onion and chop your aubergine, courgette and peppers into small pieces.

3) Pour a small amount of oil into a pan and wait until hot. Add your red onion, diced garlic and aubergine to the pan on a high heat until it begins to brown.

4) Add your courgette and peppers to the pan and cook until softened on medium heat. Pour your passata over your vegetables and stir.

5) Add your frozen peas to the mix and allow them to warm and cook through. If you feel fancy, add some seasoning, I tend to add salt, pepper, Italian mixed herbs, and a vegetable oxo cube.

6) Drain your pasta once cooked and add to the vegetables and sauce.

7) Stir together and once mixed, take an oven-safe dish and spread the pasta and sauce evenly across.

8) Place in the oven on Fan 180C and allow to bake for 15-20 minutes.

9) Add the grated cheddar or non-dairy cheese over the top of the dish and allow to bake for 5-10 more minutes, depending on how crispy you like your cheese.

Serve and enjoy. If you’ve cooked too much you can always share with a friend or save it for tomorrow’s lunch!