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Providing information, advice, events, work experience and volunteering opportunities


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Museums & Galleries panel Topper windmills-5643293_1920 (1) CareerSet Logo linkedin tiles-1084446_1280 Laptop cropped student at laptop 1

Museums, Galleries & Heritage Week 3-7 March 2025

A career in the museums, galleries and the heritage sector is a good option for graduates of history, classics, and other humanities subjects and there are also niche roles for science graduates science centre or museum

Sustainability Week 10-14 March 2025

There are a growing number of job opportunities that have a sustainability focus and students from all academic disciplines can enter this sector. Discover more during this week of events!

Inprove your CV with CareerSet

CareerSet is a checking tool that uses advanced AI to give personalised recommendations on how to improve your CV or cover letter

Getting started on LinkedIn

Find out how to make the most of LinkedIn to gain insights into different industries and find jobs

The Student Entrepreneurship Service

Thinking of starting your own business or going freelance? We are here to help!

Careers blog

Browse a variety of blogs from employers, alumni and students for information and inspiration on your next steps


Book an appointment or Drop in

Speak to one of our expert Careers Consultants for advice and guidance. Alternatively, you can just drop into the Careers Hub to speak to one of our student Careers Coaches


Find Jobs and Get help with applying

Find opportunities and get help with CVs, applications, interviews and assessment centres


Discover our events programme

From large careers fairs to employer drop-ins, alumni panels and skills workshops, there is something for everyone!

Your Career Starts Here orange

Get experience

Volunteering, placements and internship opportunities

Light Turquoise

Webinars and Recordings

Listen back to a wide range of recorded panel events, information sessions and workshops at a time convenient to you


PhD students

Discover a wide range of support on offer through the Doctoral School, including employability and skills development


Recent graduates

We support you for two years after graduation.


Meet the team

Find out more about our Careers Service team


A-Z of services
