Displaying 41 to 50 of 63
New team members join for the 2020/21 academic year
16 Sept 2020We are delighted to welcome four new members of academic staff to the School of Business and Management.
Student recycling competition results
01 May 2020Dr. José-Rodrigo Córdoba-Pachón tells us more about the competition he runs each year.
Launch of new GCRF project
08 Oct 2019The South South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub has been launched
The new School of Business and Management is launched
07 Oct 2019Our School has changed name from the School of Management to the School of Business and Management.
Introducing the Digital Innovation Lab
17 Sept 2019Driven by student feedback and a desire to engage more applied and experiential learning we've developed a new Digital Innovation Lab in the School of Business and Management.
National Teaching Fellowship Award Winner
03 Sept 2019The School of Business and Management's Mr Justin O'Brien becomes Royal Holloway University's third National Teaching Fellow.
School of Management Marketing Award Winners
04 Jul 2019At the recent 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, the School of Management received unprecedented success with recognition for the School’s teaching, research, and the work of PhD students
SAS Digital Challenge Success
15 Apr 2019Congratulations to our students who were successful at the 2019 SAS Digital Challenge.
School of Management
06 Mar 2019Douglas Holt is an Honorary Professor in Marketing at Royal Holloway. He is one of the world's leading experts on branding and innovation.
Royal Holloway joins major research project
17 Dec 2018Dr G. Hari Harindranath, School of Management, and member of the UNESCO Chair in ICT4D and Professor Tim Unwin, Department of Geography and Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in ICT4D, both from Royal Holloway, are among the experts