Welcome to our Social Science Impact Accelerator (SSIA) Impact Blog.
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Royal Holloway has several social science departments ranked in the UK's top 5 (out of 160) for quality of research. Our researchers are collaborating with external partners, both nationally and internationally, to enhance the impact of their research. Find out more about the excellent projects that have received funding from our Social Science Impact Accelerator in the project blogs below.
Displaying 11 to 16 of 16
Secret Power - Knowledge Exchange Forum with Police Forces
In many communities across the globe, organised criminal groups cast long shadows, not only risking our safety but also affecting other aspects of everyday life and politics.
Teenage Reading Network: Student Voices
Royal Holloway research has shown that many teenagers do not choose to read, and do not have the reading proficiency that they need at school and in their everyday lives.
Transforming ocean education through social science research
In UK geography classrooms, oceans, which cover over 70% of our planet, are taught almost exclusively through physical processes, such as ocean currents.
Turning Youth Voice into Sustainable Public Policy: Residency with the Greater London Authority
Over the past five years, Professor Sloam has built extensive relations with the Greater London Authority through collaborative projects.
Unveiling impact: Towards a comprehensive climate movement assessment
Monitoring, evaluating, and assessing the impact of social movements presents inherent challenges due to their often indirect and intangible effects, making measurement complex.
Working up a Sweat: Addressing the Social Dynamics of Heat Inequality in the Cambodian Workplace
As a response to rising number of deaths caused by heat, Dr Laurie Parsons and Dr Jennifer Cole partnered with the Solidarity Centre to ensure workers rights are protected in the transition towards a greener economy.