Discover the latest news and views from our archives and art collections.
Displaying 1 to 10 of 17

Seen and Unseen at Ferens Art Gallery
19 Dec 2024Featuring Royal Holloway’s Self Portrait Yellow Waistcoat (1993) by Desmond Haughton

Flora: 150 Years of Environmental Change in Cornwall
19 Dec 2024How Royal Holloway’s Carthillon Cliffs (1878) inspired the National Trust to introduce new grazing patterns on the Cornish coastline –thanks to contemporary artist, Kurt Jackson

Rare object acquisition to Royal Holloway Art Collections
13 Dec 2024A pair of earrings made out of hair has been gifted to Royal Holloway art collections

"Defacing the Bard: Examining the Tampered Frontispiece of Shakespeare's 1632 Second Folio"
29 Nov 2024News and Views piece by Ella-Rose Parkin

Black History Month 2024 - Letter by Ira Aldridge
17 Oct 2024This October, RHUL archives seeks to highlight special items within our archive to celebrate Black History Month.

Former student finds magazine artwork in College archives
17 Oct 2024During our recent annual Heritage Open Day celebrations, we had the pleasure of inviting Bedford College alumnae to explore our archive collections.

Mary Robinson – Actress, Mistress, Writer, Radical
16 Sept 2024A special text from the RHUL Archive and Special Collections was recently sent on loan to Chawton House to feature in the exciting new exhibition: Mary Robinson - Actress, Mistress, Writer, Radical

Penrose takes her place among Principals
12 Jul 2024As part of the 175th anniversary celebrations of Bedford College, the Art Collections team have selected a portrait of a former Bedford Principal to be installed in the Executive Corridor of the Found

Classical Performances at Bedford College
20 May 2024This year marks the 175th anniversary of Bedford College, one of the two women’s colleges that came together to form Royal Holloway University of London in 1985

Conserving Our Rare Books Collection
14 May 2024The rare books collection at RHUL includes some interesting and unique items. Occasionally our rare books require expert care and attention by a professional conservator.