Royal Holloway is equipped with world-class research laboratories which also provide services for business.
The Department of Earth Sciences has equipment and experience that can be applied to waste characterisation, testing materials for their leachability and their ability to generate or neutralise acidity.
The Physics Department has the SuperFab facility for quantum technologies, and is a world-class university cleanroom and home of the UK Centre for Superconducting and Hybrid Quantum Systems (UK-CSQS). Royal Holloway offers use of this facility as a Technical Service where companies or institutions can access the state-of-the-art equipment or alternatively, Royal Holloway staff can undertake planned experiments on behalf of our partners.
The latest facility is the OmniDrome Research & Innovation Centre. Which will develop into a world-leading centre for research, innovation, education and knowledge exchange for air, land, and water-based drones, in the areas of:
- Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and information security of autonomous vehicles
- Drone & sensor technology
- Scientific monitoring of environmental, ecological, geographical, geological systems and human environments
- Culture, Arts & Humanities.
Omnidrome aims to support our diverse and multidisciplinary community of researchers, educators, technical staff, and students with interests in the application of a wide range of drone technology. The Omnidrome Research Centre offers many opportunities for building external networks with academic collaborators, government partners, businesses, and industry to attract and develop funding, impact and partnership opportunities.
Our academics are available to work on consultancy projects or to collaborate with industry experts on research projects. Our research often has commercial value and we are keen to meet partners who can help spin out these activities.
Royal Holloway has an extensive range of equipment and expertise available, which can benefit our academic and industry partners. Additional examples to those listed above include microscopy, chemical analysis, mineral identification and soil and water quality analysis. Please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Knowledge Exchange team, if you are looking to access a specific piece of equipment that is not listed on this page.
Please contact to discover how we can help you.