Research. Teaching. Impact.
The Gender Institute hosts a seminar series, teach-in events, and other speakers and events relevant to the students and staff interested in gender and sexuality issues on campus; in classrooms; in their disciplines of work, study, or research; and in the world more broadly. If you have ideas for events that you would find useful, please get in touch with us directly or let us know via our survey. Also, check out our events on our Youtube Channel!
Upcoming Events:
January Scholar of the Month: Thursday 30th January at 1pm - hybrid in McCrea-1-17 Dr Kat Gupta, "Eroticising the trans body: labels and descriptions of queer bodies in online erotica"
February Scholar of the Month: Wednesday 12th February at 3pm in EWD-1-04 and Microsoft Teams, Dr Billy Holzberg, "Transnational Anti-Gender Politics and the Advance of Reproductive Racism"
LSS Workshop with Jesica Lyn: Wednesday 19th February 2-4pm 007 Boilerhouse: "What it means to be transgender, opening conversations and fostering a safe environment"
March Scholar of the Month: Professor Jill Marshall, Friday 7th March at 1pm via Microsoft Teams: Feminist Jurisprudence and the Human Rights of Women
May Scholar of the Month: Professor Laura Sjoberg "Dynastic Marriages"
Recent Past Events:
HARI and the Gender Institute Lightning Research Talks, Tuesday 14th January 12-2pm in EWD-1-04
December Scholar of the Month: Monday 9th December, Dr Amy Bonsall, "Stranger than fiction: that lying, conniving disabled snitch........ burn, burn the witch!"
November Scholar of the Month: Thursday 14th November, Professor Dan Anderberg, "Keeping the Peace while Getting Your Way: Persuasion and Intimate Partner Violence".
October Scholar of the Month: Thursday 17 October, Professor Sylvia Walby, "Varieties of gender regimes: the significance of violence".
"Parenthood Dilemmas in Parliaments: New realities and old institutions", Professor Susan Franceschet on Monday 14th October at 4:15.
Academic Year2023/4
15th May 5-7pm Go Run Lead Networking event
1st May, Stewart House: Panel for the book launch, "Extreme Britain: Gender, Masculinity and Radicalisation".
26th April "Radical Aunt-tea Afternoon and Evening" Bedford Room. In celebration of Intergenerational Awareness week, the third *Radical Aunties event themed on intergenerational and intersectional understandings of tea cultures in a three-part event, looked across the gendered, colonial and postcolonial histories of the beverage, coming together across different age groups and cultural backgrounds to perform a communal tea ceremony, and exploring the power of 'spilling tea' in activist gossip networks.
18th March: "Women in Academia, Achieving our Potential" Professor Margaret (Maggie) C. Watson.
Go. Run. Lead programme 2024: A series of three seminars for women and gender non-binary students and staff interested in either running for elected office or making a career in campaign politics.
March Scholar of the Month: 14th March, Dr Amber Lascelles: "Learning from Audre Lorde: Embodied solidarities in contemporary Black Women's fiction".
February Scholar of the Month:26th February, Dr Amy Tooth-Murphy: "The Butch on the Ferry: The Affect and Effect of Butch Longing".
27th February, Old Ballroom, Mansion House: The Lord Mayor's Coffee Colloquy: Gender Equalities
Scholar of the Month: 22nd January, Dr Caterina Nirta:“Problematising narratives of trans embodiment as a one-way journey home”
14th November, Main Library"The joy of tea-drinking at College".
6th November, Rafia Zakaria: "Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption".
10th November, Stewart House "The Politics and Possibilities of Feminist Knowledge Production" with LSE Gender Studies Department.
31st October “Queer/Trans of Colour Creative Resistance” with Ragu Rage.
23rd October,‘Auto-biography as resistance: reimagining the colonial archive through Black Feminist Photography” Janine Francois
5th October, "Gender and Disability Activism": Interview with Kate Nash”
October Scholar of the Month:13th October, Professor Jane Hamlett, "One of the Family: Rethinking Family with Animals in Twentieth Century Britain".
17th October, Subhadra Das: Women and Eugenics, a case study from University College at the turn of the 20th Century"
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Summer Reading Group 2023 :
5th September,“The Hassle of Housework: Digitalisation",Ursula Huws. Feminist Review, 123.1,2019, 8–23.
15th August , "Gastro-testimonials in Handmade: Narrating the War Experiences of Sri Lankan Tamil Women through Food", Brinda J. Mehta, Feminist Formations, vol. 34 no. 2, 2022, p. 146-174.
25th July,“Performing Critical Generosity in the Feminist Classroom”, Lesley Erin Bartlett 2018, Feminist Teacher 28.2, 91-104.
6th July,“Exploring Transgender Law and Politics”, Catharine A. MacKinnon, with Finn Mackay, Mischa Schuman, Sandra Fredman, and Ruth Chang.
15th June,“Returning the Gift”, Robin Wall Kimmerer. Originally published in Minding. Nature, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring 2014).
June Scholar of the Month:30th June, Dr Manhua Li "Yin-Yang: Bodily Technology, Erotic Arts, and Governmentality"
"Gender and Embodiment" a series of speaker sessions and roundtable discussions:
- 15th May: “Are we all Hysterical?” with Pragya Agarwal
- 16th May: “Raving” A Reading and Discussion with McKenzie Wark and Roberta Mock
- 23rd May: Roundtable Discussion
- 25th May:"Shattering Shadows: Albinism Awareness through Embodied Educational Theatre", Dr Zindaba Chisiza.
May Scholar of the Month:3rd May, Dr Maryam Mehrnezhad "Minority or Minoritized? Cyber Security and Online Privacy for Women"
25th April:"(Dis)possessive borders, (dis)possessed bodies: race, property, and the construction of the human in Europe" with Tarsis Brito and Vicki Squire.
26th April, Dr Megan Daigle "Feminist policy, humanitarian practice: at the limits of feminist foreign policy?"
In partnership with WiSAN, Book launch of "Research Her" 27th April.
Scholar of the Month:27th March, Dr Kavita Maya: "Feminist Arachnopolitics: White Feminist Textual Practices in Witchcraft and Women’s Spirituality"
22nd March at 5.30pm: Bedford Society Talk - Laura Sjoberg: "Seeing War through Gender Lenses"
March Scholar of the Month: Friday 10th March at 1pm in Horton 208A or Teams: "Do Gender Quotas Erode Democratic Legitimacy? Women's Political Representation in Comparative Perspective", Professor Jennifer Piscopo
8th March "Go Run Lead" programme commenced.
January Scholar of the Month:24th January, Dr Rita D'Alton-Harrison. "Gender, Identity and Parentage"
December Scholar of the Month:6th December, Dr Suzanne Albary. " 'How to become a woman academic: top tips for dressing the part' : Narratives in in(authenticity) ".
7th December, Professor Jodi Dean, "Lessons from Black Communist Women".
29th November, Associate Professor Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira. "Reentry and Reintegration Following Genocide in Rwanda: Gender and Narratives of Blame".
November Scholar of the Month: 22nd November, Professor Ruth Hemus "Curating the avant-garde: Dada's women in exhibitions spaces".
With the Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law together:19th October, Professor Miranda Horvath "Operation Soteria Bluestone - transforming police investigations of rape and other sexual offences"
October Scholar of the Month:10th October, Vera Beckley-Hoelscher "Changing informal institutions via mimesis: gender equality in marriage proposals".
September Scholar of the Month:27th September, Dr Prudence Bussey-Chamberlain, "Every Lover is a Destroyer": Queer Abuse and Experimental Memoir in Melissa Febos' "Abandon Me" and Carmen Maria Machado;s "In the Dream House".
Luisa Rebeca Garza Lopez, "Gender Violence in Politics and Paths Towards Trans* Epistemic Justice" (English) (Spanish))
May Scholar of the Month, May 19th, Dr. Liz Pearson, "Gender, Extremism, and Thinking Through Masculinities"
Women, Peace, and Security Workshop April 27th - Schedule
March Scholar of the Month: Victoria Mapplebeck, "Smartphone Filmmaking as a Tool for Innovation, Intimacy, and Diversity"
February Scholar of the Month: 24th February, Dr. Elizabeth Gloyn, “Papa Don’t Preach: Familial Ethics and Fatherhood in Seneca”
January Scholar of the Month: 27th January, Dr. Jennifer Murphy, “Interoception in Men and Women”
15th November(with UCU and the Royal Holloway LGBTQ+ Network), Trans Awareness Week Keynote Speech, Professor Sophie-Grace Chappell, “Gender Concepts: Gatekeepers, Engineers, and Welcomers”
November Scholar of the Month:12th November, Dr. Suki Finn, “Philosophising about Pregnancy”
11th November, Roundtable Discussion for Early Career Women and Non-Binary Researchers
October Scholar of the Month: 28th October Professor Sarah Childs, “Making Representative Political Institutions Feminist” (Recording)
20th October, Professor Jennie Stephens, “Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy” (Recording)
12th October, Professor Maria Eriksson Baaz “Researching Sexual Violence along War and Peace Continuum” (Recording)
2020-2021 Events:
Professor Raewyn Connell's Gender Institute Launch Event (co-sponsored by the Humanities and Arts Research Institute)
Professor Raewyn Connell is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Sydney. Her talk at the inaugural Gender Institute Launch Event was on "Feminist Thought and the Global Political Economy of Knowledge."
- Here is the recording of her talk, given January 21, 2021 and the transcription, by Emily Gee
- Here is Professor Connell's interview with Laura Sjoberg, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
Panel on Gender, Political Economy, and Security(co-sponsored by the Royal Holloway Centre for International Security)
Dr. Marsha Henry (the London School of Economics), Dr. Daniela Lai (Royal Holloway, University of London), Dr. Swati Parashar (University of Gothenberg), and Professor V. Spike Peterson (University of Arizona) discuss the intersections of gender, political economy, and security, in teaching, research, and world politics.
- See the recording of the panel here, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
Panel on Female Perpetrators of the Holocaust (co-sponsored by the Holocaust Research Institute and the Centre for International Security)
Dr. Sarah Cushman (Northwestern University), Professor Elizabeth Harvey (University of Nottingham), Professor Wendy Lower (Claremont McKenna College), and Professor Laura Sjoberg (Royal Holloway, University of London) discuss identifying, theorising, and framing female perpetrators of the Holocaust and surrounding atrocities.
- See the recording of the panel here, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
Right Honourable Dame Margaret Hodge, Member of Parliament for Barking, February 24, 2021
- See Margaret Hodge's interview with Sofia Collignon here, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
- See the recording of Margaret Hodge's talk here, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
Professor Anne Fausto-Sterling, Nancy Duke Lewis Professor Emerita of Biology and Gender Studies at Brown University, March 11, 2021.
- See Professor Anne Fausto-Sterling's interview with Laura Sjoberg here, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
- See Professor Anne Fausto-Sterlings talk and question and answer here, and the transcription, by Emily Gee
'Meet the Woman Voter' Panel, March 23, 2021: As part of the Gendering Elections Project and in preparation for the Mayoral and Local elections on 6th May, the ‘Meet the Woman Voter’ panel includes an academic expert on voting behaviour, who works on gender and parties and parliament, student representatives, an local MP, some local councillors and a member of the Fawcett Society.
- See the video of the panel.
Professor Elizabeth Freeman, Professor of English at the University of California, Davis, March 24, 2021,
- See Dr. Amy Tooth-Murphy's interview with Professor Freeman.
- See Professor Freeman's talk and question and answer.
Dr Rahul Rao, Senior Lecturer in Politics, SOAS, University of London, May 4, 2021, “Out of Time: The Queer Politics of Postcoloniality'
- See Dr. Rahul Rao's interview with Veronique Ehamo.
- See Dr. Rao's talk and question and answer.
Dr. Daniela Lai's book launch for Socioeconomic Justice : International Intervention and Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina, featuring Professor Eric Gordy (University College London); Dr. Katerina Kusic (Aberwystwyth University), Zoran Vuckovac (Justus-Leibig University, Giessen), Dr. Catherine Baker (Hull University), and Professor Michael Pugh (Bradford University), May 20, 2021.
- See Dr. Lai's book launch panel.
Dr. Afiya Zia, Department of Women's and Gender Studies, University of Toronto, June 10, 2021, "Political Masculinities"
- See Dr. Zia's talk and question and answer.
The Centre for Digital Organisation and Society Distinguished Lecture, Professor Jessie Daniels, 29 June 2021, "Gender, Race, and Globally Networked White Supremacy: Toward a New Understanding."