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Uncover the cutting-edge work of our world-leading academics

The Department of Drama, Theatre and Dance is one of three departments in The School of Performing and Digital Arts along with the Departments of Media Arts and Music. We have an international reputation for the excellence of our research.

Our research is global in scope (crossing all five continents) and features a broad chronology (from early modern theatre to contemporary performance) and an interaction of critical and creative work.

We encompass a wide range of methodologies including applied performance, critical studies of drama and dance, performance histories, performance technologies, philosophies of the arts, and theatre history. We explore how the past informs understandings of the present and engage with contemporary digital, global and social challenges.

Our research forms interconnected clusters that crosses disciplinary boundaries.

In all of these clusters we probe the relationship between cultures, societies and politics, seeking to understand the present through critical engagement with the past.

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