Royal Holloway prioritises flexible learning. That means all of our students are able to learn both online and through face-to-face delivery, in a seamless hybrid experience without disadvantage.
On campus
Our beautiful campus in Egham houses many resources and spaces for students to learn in a variety of ways and get support while they study - from state of the art lecture theatres outfitted with the latest equipment to laboratories and group study spaces.
Royal Holloway employs and provides a variety of virtual learning tools and technologies to support and enhance learning. We also provide regular training, workshops, and resources for teaching staff to innovate and make full use of technology.
Hybrid facilities
On campus resources
State of the art provisions on a leafy campus
Our state-of-the-art campus provisions include:
- Fully equipped lecture theatres, all outfitted with cameras and microphones, including a 250-seat lecture theatre and a "Harvard style" 120 seat space designed to facilitate combinations of lectures, group and hybrid learning.
- Spaces for specialised learning including laboratories, theatres, music studios and other interactive spaces, fully outfitted with up to date technology.
- Study spaces as well as social or community learning hubs around campus allowing for both private and group study, and social interactions.
- Our library, opened in 2017 in the brand new Emily Wilding Davis Building
Shilling Auditorium in the Department of Electronic Engineering
Windsor Building meeting room
Digital learning and innovation
E-Learning tools
- Moodle is the main online learning tool where students can access content, submit coursework, participate in online activities, and communicate with staff and students
- Panopto or Replay is where recorded lectures may be accessed or streamed anytime
- Turnitin is a coursework submission tool that allows for online marking and feedback, as well as peer to peer assessments
- Microsoft Teams allow for online meetings among classmates, instructors, personal tutors and student support teams
- Vevox allows for online polling and surveys
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) facilitate open learning on any number of subjects unrelated to your course that may boost your development
- Ally provides accessibility checking and alternative formats for learners with these requirements, such as electronic Braille, audio versions of text documents, and the Beeline Reader.
You may use some or all of these tools throughout your studies. There are other tools available and the list is continuously being updated to reflect the demands of each module, course or department.
E-Learning Team
There is a dedicated E-Learning Team at Royal Holloway which champions digital innovation, supports staff to innovate their teaching, and trains them in the use of new technologies.
Library resources
A digital-first service with study spaces
Royal Holloway operates digital-first Library Services allowing students to access ebooks, journals and other resources from its own extensive collection, as well as from external sources such as the Senate Library, or other institutions with reciprocal access under the SCONUL scheme. These resources are also accessible from our physical libraries.
Emily Wilding Davis Building where the main Library is located
The Library Services team works with each School to ensure required reading for each course is available and that students are supported to manage their reading lists. There are also accessibility tools for students with specific learning requirements as well as self-help collections to support student wellbeing and belonging.
Study spaces and physical accessories
Spaces to reflect, study or engage in community learning
Study Spaces:
There are over 1400 spaces in our Library and Founder's Room for silent or social use. There are also 15 bookable rooms for group use.
Printing and laptop loans
Students may also book laptops and access free and paid printing services at the Library, as well as copying services.
IT Support
Infrastructural support for ease of access
Our dedicated IT Services support students to have a seamless hybrid learning experience. They help students connect to campus while learning online, troubleshoot problems, download campus software, and access the college network.