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Clearing FAQs

Clearing FAQs

Got questions about Clearing?

Find out everything you need to know about joining Royal Holloway through Clearing.

Clearing is a service you can use to find university courses with vacancies if you've applied late or your results are not as expected. If you're eligible to use Clearing, a clearing choice button will automatically be added to your UCAS Hub screen.

You’ll be able to search for course vacancies on UCAS from 5 July and information will also be available on individual university sites. Once you’ve found a course you’re interested in, you’ll need to contact the university directly to get a verbal offer. Once you’ve received this, you’ll need to decide if you want to accept the offer and then enter the details of the university and course into UCAS Hub.

You’re eligible for Clearing if:

·         You’ve accepted an offer but have changed your mind about your chosen course or university

·         You haven’t applied for a university place for September, or you applied for a place after 30 June

·         You did apply via UCAS but didn’t receive any offers, or declined all your offers

·         You don’t achieve the grades you need for your firm or insurance places and your offers have been withdrawn.

Course vacancies are listed on university websites, on the UCAS website and in the national press when Clearing starts. Details of our vacancies at Royal Holloway will be published on our website and the UCAS website prior to results day on 14 August, 2025.

You can call us to ask us about Clearing once you have your results. For most people this will be 14 August, A-level results day, but you can call us any time from 5 July if you have results from other qualifications (e.g. Scottish Higher, International Baccalaureate) or if you completed your A-levels in previous years.

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