Policies and procedures for conducting HEI business
Council has adopted the Higher Education Code of Governance and Statement of Primary Responsibilities drawn up by the Committee of University Chairs (CUC).
The key governing documents for Royal Holloway are:
See also:
Data Protection Policy
Anti-Bribery Policy
Freedom of Speech Code of Practice
Procedures and policies relating to academic services
Our student general regulations, including a suite of policies, can be found on the General Regulations page of our student intranet.
Procedures and policies relating to Human Resources
These can be found on our staff intranet.
Equality and Diversity policies; Equality Scheme
Equality and Diversity information
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Estate management
Estate department information pages
Sustainability information
Complaints policy
Freedom of Information Complaints policy
Student Complaints
Staff Grievance Policy and Procedure
Records management and personal data policies
Data Protection Policy
Acceptable use of IT facilities
Research policy and strategy
Research and Innovation
Research related policies
Publicly funded research outputs and data
Details of our research projects and funding providers can be found on our PURE website.
Charging regimes and policies
Freedom of Information requests: in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004, the College is not obliged to respond to a request for information where the cost of determining whether the information is held, locating, retrieving and extracting the information being sought is estimated to exceed £450. In terms of staff time, this is calculated at £25/hr. The College does not usually make a charge for reproducing documents, postage or for providing the information in the requested format. However, for large requests, or where the College has incurred substantial costs, the College reserves the option to charge the applicant. In this circumstance, the College will notify the applicant detailing the costs and asking them to be covered before the work is undertaken. The applicant is not required to accept the costs, and may instead choose to withdraw the request. Where charging regimes are listed elsewhere on the College website (for example, but not limited to, charges for books or publications, reproduction of Archive records), if requested under Freedom of Information, provision of the information will be subject to the same charge as listed on the website.