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Oral history interviews

Calling all 1960s/early 1970s alumni! Would you be willing to be interviewed for our archives?

  • Date12 March 2020

Following the success of the oral history programme in recent years, we are looking for more Royal Holloway College and Bedford College alumni and former staff from this period to be interviewed by our MA Public History students.

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You would not only be helping a new generation of students, but will be contributing to the College archives and to future historical research. You would be asked not only about your experiences at university, but also your childhood, family and career journey to provide full life histories for future researchers.

Interviews due to take place between the end of May and the end of June have been cancelled due to Covid-19, but if you are interested in taking part in future years, please register your interest with Dr Amy Tooth Murphy (Lecturer in Oral History).

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