Peter Adey - Geography
Peter’s work explores spaces of security and mobility. Recent interests include verticality and the aerial, the materiality of air and the politics of evacuation.
Richard Alston - Classics
Richard Alston’s interests focus on Roman urbanism, urban cultures, and social and cultural transformations. He also works on ideas of the Classical in the modern city.
Sarah Ansari - History
Sarah's research interests include spatial approaches towards South Asia’s recent history, exploring how modes of citizenship rights worked across a particular set of national boundaries or spaces.
Daniela Berghahn - Media Arts
Daniela is interested in migrant and diaspora cinema, especially in relation to European identities; new forms of exoticism in contemporary cinema in relation to destination tourism.
Barbara Brayshay – Geography
Barbara has an academic background in Environmental Science and Bioarchaeology. Her current research interests focus on participatory action research and community engagement. Her interest in the use of participatory mapping as a tool for social change and creative forms of community campaigning is reflected in her role as a Director of LivingMaps Network.
Toby Butler – Geography
Toby has devised collaborative place-based oral history projects in India, the USA, Wales and England. He has directed BA and MA programmes, created oral history trails with the Museum of London, London parks and local authorities and recently undertook 57 interviews with museum founders for the Mapping Museums project.
Caroline Cornish - Geography
Caroline is Research Coordinator at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Honorary Research Associate at Royal Holloway. Her research applies an object-focused approach to her research into the histories and geographies of museums and their collections, and the production of scientific knowledge.
Emma Cox - Drama & Theatre
Emma is interested in migration, refugee-responsive theatre, indigenous performance and site-responsive remembrance, postcolonial museology and performance histories linked to human remains.
Ruth Cruickshank - Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Ruth has research interests in food culture, consumption, globalization and post-war French fiction, film and thought. She is a founder member of the Global Cities and Visual Culture network.
Paris Chronakis - Department of History
Paris Chronakis is interested in urban spaces and urban identities in the imperial and post-imperial Eastern Mediterranean and on the entangled place-making practices of refugees and minorities in Modern Greece.
Phil Crang - Geography
Philip's interests are in the material cultures of place and mobility.
Fabrizio De Donno - Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Fabrizio is interested in the cultural history of Italian orientalism and colonialism, as well as in the contemporary literature and film on the Horn of Africa.
Klaus Dodds - Geography
Klaus works on the imaginative and material geographies of the Polar Regions. He has published widely and worked in an official capacity for UK government and Parliament. He also writes on cinematic geopolitics.
Gwilym Eades - Geography
Gwilym is interested in mappings and their politics, indigeneity and the use of GIS in interpretive scholarship.
Sasha Engelmann- Geography
Sasha explores creative experiments with atmosphere, the elemental, and the limits of sensing. Over the past two years she carried out site-based ethnography and collaboration with Studio Tomás Saraceno in Berlin. In a new book manuscript she is developing a notion of cosmological aesthetics: an aesthetics expressed in ecologies of practice that reach for distant, cosmic and imperceptible entities and spaces.
Yoav Galai - PIR
Yoav is a former photojournalist and NGO project manager and current lecturer in Global Political Communication. His research focuses on narrative politics and visual politics
Simone Gigliotti- History and the Holocaust Research Centre
Simone is interested in experiences of displacement during and after the Holocaust. She uses historical, geographical and visual sources to reconstruct embodied cartographies of survival.
David Gilbert - Geography
David’s interests are focused on the histories and cultures of big cities, particularly modern London. Recent work has examined the fashion industry and suburban religious identities.
Helen Gilbert - Drama and Theatre
Helen is interested in the theatre and performance of marginalised cultures, new materialism, indigeneity, site-specific arts and activism, and contemporary performance in the Anth.
Robert Hampson - English
Robert is interested in Joseph Conrad; literature and empire; place and space; cosmopolitanism, nationalism and transnationalism; practice-based research.
William Jamieson, Department of Geography
William is interested in the integration of political geography and literary theory through critical creative writing practices, examining how capital reads and writes space.
Julian Johnson- Music
Julian's interests include the history and philosophy of music, and he works on music, aesthetics, nature and environment.
AM Kanngieser, Geography
AM Kanngieser is a Marie Curie Research Fellow and sound artist who works with sound methods to approach the relations between people, ecosystems and environments. Their research foregrounds movements for self-determination and liberation in the face of ecocide and colonisation.
Innes M. Keighren - Geography
Innes has research interests that span geography, book history, and the history of science. His work focuses particularly on the circulation and reception of knowledge.
James Kent - Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
James is interested in Cuban visual cultures and the representation of the city in film and photography. His practice-led photographic research focuses on Havana, Cuba.
Ruth Livesey - English
Ruth is interested in mobility and locality in 19th century literature, including the idea of the ‘stage coach nation’ and novels as portable place.
Diego Molina – Geography Diego’s research explores the historical transformations in the relations between plants and people during the urbanisation of Andean cities. He is currently interested in the nineteenth-century flora exchange between Europe and Latin America as part of international trade expansion. |
Oli Mould - Geography
Oli's interests cover a range of areas of the urban humanities, especially questions of urban creativity, activism and politics.
Sofie Narbed - Geography
Sofie is interested in the geographies of dance and bodily practice, particularly in relation to Latin America. Her work seeks to bring about collaborative dialogues that might interrogate questions of the postcolonial, the transnational, and the contemporary.
Helen Nicholson - Drama and Theatre
Helen is interested in the spatialities of amateur theatre and in questions of place, affect and community in contemporary theatre and applied performance.
Sophie Nield - Drama and Theatre
Sophie is interested in questions of theatricality, space and representation in political life and the law, and in the performance of ‘borders’ of various kinds.
Saskia Papadakis - Department of Geography
Saskia has returned to RHUL as a postdoctoral researcher after completing her PhD in the Geography department in 2022. She’s interested in imperialism, identity and Englishness, and in oral history and walking as research methodologies. She is currently working on the project An Oral History of the Environmental Movement, 1970-2020.
Flora Parrott, Geography
Flora is a practice-based research fellow working on the ERC funded project Think Deep. Flora's work explores subterranean spaces and in particular the transformative potential of caves and caving.
Agostinho Pinnock - Geography
Agostinho's research intersects with Black/feminist and postcolonial Caribbean geographies of art-making and popular performances, with specific interest in Jamaican visual cultures as different modes of identity formation which occur at several scales.
Hannah Platts- History
Hannah is interested in multi-sensory approaches to domestic space. She works with architects and anthropologists to explore how ancient Roman housing was employed to construct personal and group identities.
Giuliana Pieri - Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Giuliana is interested in interdisciplinary approaches to Italy and Italian Nationality, textual and visual representations of the Italian landscape and the discursive construction of Italian identity.
Al Pinkerton - Geography
Al's research interests focus on media, communications and critical geopolitics. He has recently been developing the idea of 'creative geopolitics', in particular 'creative statecraft’. He also recently undertook a 6,000 mile expedition ‘Into No Man’s Land”.
Tina K Ramnarine - Music
Tina researches the politics of music, the anthropology of cultural encounters and arts responses to global challenges (environment, endangered languages, social justice).
Julie Sanders - Humanities
Julie works on the cultural geographies of early modern drama and co-edits a commissioning series for Oxford University Press on Early Modern Literary Geographies.
Danielle Sands - Comparative Literature
Danielle’s interests include animal studies, posthumanism, representations of non-human life in C20 and C21 philosophy and literature, environmental ethics, and the Anthropocene.
Efi Spentzou - Classics
Efi is interested in gendered notions of home, nomadism, exile and encounters in literature. She is editing a volume on the production of space in Latin literature.
Rachael Squire- Geography
Rachael’s interests lie at the intersections of the elemental, material and geopolitical. More specifically, she focuses on issues pertaining to depth, the subterranean, and the geographies of extreme environments. Rachael is also interested in experimental methodologies.
Henry Stobart - Music
Henry's research focuses on indigenous music, music-video production, media piracy, and heritage issues in the Bolivian Andes. His background is as a performer, working widely with the Early/World Music ensemble SIRINU.
Shzr Ee Tan - Music
Shzr Ee’s interests include Sinophone musical cultures and media, cosmopolitanism, nostalgia, gender and the politics of music. She is also interested in indigeneity and Southeast Asia.
Varyl Thorndycraft- Geography
Varyl is a geomorphologist interested in land-art and landscape-inspired contemporary music. He is on the British Society for Geomorphology’s ‘Visualising Geomorphology Working Group’.
Weipin Tsai - History
Weipin is interested in Chinese modernisation and its engagement in globalisation from the 19th century, particularly the geographies of information, including postal networks and newspapers.
David Natal Villazala - History
My research focuses on the social and political history of late antiquity, with special attention to processes of supra-regional institution building and political fragmentation.
Daniel Whistler
Daniel is an historian of European philosophy currently working on plant-thinking. he has recently led projects in collaboration with Kew gardens, including an AHRC network on The Philosophical Life of Plants and a British Academy Fellowship, Caring for Plants in Modern Philosophy.
Briony Wickes - English
Briony has research interests in nineteenth-century literature, settler colonial environments, critical animal studies, energy futures, migration narratives, and the histories of public and environmental nuisance
Katie Willis - Geography
Katie's research interests include concerns with gender, migration, place and belonging especially in the Global South. Her recent work includes an ESRC funded network with colleagues in Social Work and Media Studies exploring unaccompanied and separated children seeking asylum.
Libby Worth - Drama and Theatre
Libby’s research interests span dance and theatre with particular current focus on site-specific performance, transnational mobility of dances and dance scores (folk and amateur), performer training and somatic practices.
Sarah Wright - Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Sarah's current work explores childhood and nation in world cinemas, considering ideas of nation, transnationalism, belonging and encounter. She is also interested ways to locate the voice in world cinemas.