1. Transfers between courses at Royal Holloway
1.1. The arrangements for transfers between courses at Royal Holloway is detailed in the Process to Change Degree Programme for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students.
1.2. Students who wish to change their degree programme must meet the standard entry requirements of the programme that they wish to transfer to and may also be asked to write a statement as to why they wish to change degree. The Department/School and Student Administration approve changes to degree programmes and making the request does not mean that it will be approved. Some students may not be able to change degree programme, for example, students with a Tier 4 Visa sponsored by the College may not be able to change programme due to visa restrictions. Continuing students can request to change degree programme after results have been published in the summer up to the end of the third week of teaching. After the third week of teaching, only a Change of Pathway request or a Change in Award or Progression request can be made.
1.3. This guidance does not apply to students who have not yet started their first year of study or who are studying a Pre-Sessional English Language Programme (PELP), who should email the Admissions team
2. Transfers to Royal Holloway from another Higher Education provider
For undergraduate study
2.1. Our approach is detailed in the Admissions Policy under Accreditation of Prior Learning paragraph 8.36.
2.2. 'The College will consider undergraduate applicants for second year entry on an individual basis. Vacancies for second year entry are extremely limited and may not be available in all departments. Applicants wishing to apply for second year entry should demonstrate a strong academic performance in their current course and will normally be required to meet the first year entry requirements for the course they are applying for. In addition, applicants need to meet the required progression requirements. Any applicants wishing to apply for second year entry must do so via UCAS.'
For postgraduate taught study
2.3. Our approach is detailed in the Postgraduate Academic Regulation in Section 2: Recognition of Prior Learning. The most relevant paragraph is copied below:
2.4. 'Applicants with accredited prior learning deemed acceptable to the College may be admitted with advanced standing to postgraduate study only in up to two thirds of the programme. The College will consider the recognition of accredited prior learning and the recording of such learning as exemption from part of the programme subject to the following conditions: (a) credit will be recognised only for learning which has been verified through reliable and valid assessment, unless otherwise specified as part of an institutional agreement; (b) the College will only consider for the purposes of recognition of prior learning and exemption information on courses and examination results provided and certified by the appropriate officer at the institution responsible for the delivery of those courses.'
2.5. Postgraduate taught courses at Royal Holloway are one year in duration, so requests for transfer are very rare. In order to transfer onto a postgraduate taught course, students are required to meet our minimum entry requirements for postgraduate study (as detailed on our website), and the modules they have already studied at another institution must be deemed to be of similar academic context to the modules they will have missed at Royal Holloway. Due to the structure of modules, students can only transfer to start in January.
For postgraduate research study
2.6. Our approach is detailed in our Research Degree Regulations under Arrangements for admissions, registration and enrolment paragraph 3.2. The most relevant paragraph is copied below:
2.7. An applicant who has followed a programme of postgraduate research of at least twelve months of full-time study, or 24 months of part-time study at another institution may be considered for exemption from part of a an MPhil or PhD programme at the College. A student who started a Masters by Research with the College and wishes to transfer to an MPhil or PhD programme may be considered for exemption from part of an MPhil or PhD programme at the College.
2.8. In order to transfer onto a postgraduate research study, students are are required to meet our minimum entry requirements for postgraduate study (as detailed on our website), and the department will need to confirm the availability of a relevant supervisor. Once these requirements are confirmed, an application to study can be made via our website. The department will advise regarding when enrolment can take place.
3. Transfers from Royal Holloway to another Higher Education provider
3.1.Students who wish to transfer from Royal Holloway to another Higher Education provider are considered in the same way as students who withdraw.
3.2. Students who wish to withdraw are required to submit one of the following forms:
3.3. Students who wish to withdraw must arrange an appointment with their Personal Advisor, Academic Co-ordinator or Head of Department to discuss the details of their withdrawal request before the form is completed and signed by the student and the academic department.