Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health (BSc)
Psychology is the study of how people think, react and interact. It is concerned with all aspects of behaviour and the thoughts, feelings and motivations that underlie such behaviour. It is an important subject because it relates to the whole range of human experience, from visual perception to complex social interactions.
This three year course explores a range of areas within psychology and specialisms in the areas of clinical psychology and mental health. In your final year you'll specialise in the study of a range of approaches to clinical mental health issues. You'll benefit from the department's advanced technology, including an on-site MRI scanner, systems for tracking precise body movements in very young children and adults, CCTV and video systems for discreet observation of behaviour and a dedicated baby lab for studying the development of infants.
We are one of the top Psychology departments in the UK with excellent ratings for both research and teaching. Our research and teaching enhance one another, bringing students in touch with the frontiers of psychological knowledge and equipping you with a wide portfolio of transferable skills. You’ll contribute to our renowned research culture with a final year research project.
You’ll join a close-knit department that scores consistently high satisfaction rates in National Student Surveys, with a high staff-to-student ratio. You’ll learn in small tutorial groups and within a progressive environment for which the Department of Psychology has been awarded the Athena SWAN Silver Award for efforts to promote equality and women in science.
Follow your passion for psychology, clinical psychology and mental health and you’ll graduate with excellent employability prospects in a variety of different fields. Notable alumni include the leading bioscience innovator Professor Jackie Hunter CBE, founder of the Terrence Higgins Trust Dr Rupert Whitaker, and Dr Christian Jarrett – author of The Rough Guide to Psychology.
Explore specialisms in the areas of clinical psychology and
mental health.
Examine the range of approaches to clinical mental health issues.
Benefit from the department’s advanced facilities,
including an on-site MRI scanner.
Contribute to topics at the cutting-edge of psychological
From time to time, we make changes to our courses to improve the student and learning experience. If we make a significant change to your chosen course, we’ll let you know as soon as possible.
This module provides an introduction to core aspects of psychological research. This includes how to find and read psychological papers, and thinking critically about research. General aspects of research covered include ethics in psychological research, designs and variables in research, reliability and validity, designing psychological research studies (correlational and experimental), and qualitative methods. Students are introduced to different types of data and distributions, and to describing data. In addition, the use of statistical tests in psychological research and how to choose the right test are introduced. Statistics covered may include inferential statistics, chi-squared test, independent and repeated t test, one-way independent ANOVA, correlation, linear regression, and non-parametric statistics. This course encompasses a Psychology Toolkit component; teaching sessions combined with self-study for the preparation of a portfolio.
This course aims to introduce students to the basics of personality and social psychology. The course will start with an introduction to key dynamic personality theories of Freud, followed by Jung. Students will then learn about theories and research on agreession, pro-social behaviour and conformity. In addition, key fundamental topics in social psychology, attitudes and values, will be introduced, as well as cross-cultural psychology and leadership.
This course provides an introduction to developmental psychology, which seeks to understand and explain changes in an individual’s physical, cognitive, and social capacities across the lifespan. The overarching themes are to describe changes in an individual’s observed behaviour over time, and to uncover the processes that underlie these changes. The course begins by introducing the historical and conceptual issues underlying developmental psychology and the research methods used for studying individuals at different ages. It then proceeds to address physical development in the prenatal period, followed by cognitive and social development during infancy. The course then examines change during childhood by introducing major theories of cognitive development and addressing the social contexts of development (parents, peers, and social relationships; morality, altruism, and aggression). The course concludes by addressing the physical, cognitive, and social changes of adulthood and ageing.
The aim of this module is to give students the core skills and knowledge needed to be successful as an academic psychologist. The module is divided into three components. First, students will develop a strong understanding of the academic skills needed within undergraduate studies for psychology, including finding and reading research journal articles, thinking critically, and writing about psychology. Second, they will be introduced to the typical career paths for psychology graduates, and they will be introduced to resources to allow them to develop their employability through their degree. Third, they will learn about the conceptual and historical issues underpinning current psychological research.
This module will provide an introduction to the key theories and research findings regarding Perception and Cognition. This may include topics within perception such as sensory perception as gateway to the world; attentional modulation of perception; illusions as key to reality, brightness, perception of colour, time, motion and depth; auditory perception, touch, taste and smell; the control of eye and head movements as a link between perception and action; and memory processes (both experimental and applied).
The module provides an introduction to the key neuroscience cencepts and research techniques relevant to Psychology. Topics include the basics of neural function, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, sensorimotor processing, and research methods used.
This module provides an introduction to the concept of abnormal psychology. The course starts with developing an understanding and knowledge about how we define abnormality in psychology and how this has developed and changed throughout history. Different approaches to understanding abnormal psychology are covered, starting with the biomedical model of abnormality. Following this, social and cultural approaches to abnormality are covered, followed by the philosophy of abnormality. Psychodynamic, behavioural and cognitive approaches to abnormality are also covered in detail. There is a focus on psychological disorders as we currently classify them in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The hierarchy of evidence in clinical psychology research is also covered.
This module will describe the key principles of academic integrity, focusing on university assignments. Plagiarism, collusion and commissioning will be described as activities that undermine academic integrity, and the possible consequences of engaging in such activities will be described. Activities, with feedback, will provide you with opportunities to reflect and develop your understanding of academic integrity principles.
Year 2
In this module you will learn about how to use SPSS to analyse, interpret and graph data, one way ANOVA (independent and repeated), factorial ANOVA (independent, repeated and mixed), ANCOVA, complex correlations, linear regression (multiple, categorical predictors, stepwise and hierarchical), logistic regression and factor analysis. You will also study research methods topics including advanced experimental design (factorial and quasi-experimental designs), questionnaire design and validation, and qualitative analyses.
This module will provide you with an overview of the key theoretical and empirical issues in cognitive psychology, including selective attention, multisensory perception and problem solving. You will look at reasoning, judgement and blindsight, and examine the impact of unilateral neglect and attention for action.
In this module, you will develop an understanding of the key topics in social psychology, with a particular focus on topics that highlight over-arching debates within this area of study. You will look at how social psychology can be applied to real-world issues, examining the social psychology of relationships, the self-concept, prejudice and group conflict, attribution theory, group decision-making, situational perspectives on evil, and non-verbal behaviour and social cognition.
In this module you will develop an understanding of cognitive development, including intelligence across the lifespan, language development, and number representation, and the development of social understanding, including social cognition, emotional development, prejudice, and adolescence. You will look in depth at the research techniques used in developmental psychology, as well as enhancing your ability to conduct critical analyses.
In this module you will examine theory and research in key areas of personality and individual differences. You will explore the difference between these two areas of study, and become equipped with methods of evaluating theories of personality. You will review key topics in personality and individual differences, with consideration for the relations between them in order to develop your integrative understanding of personality.
In this module you will develop an understanding of why modern psychology requires an understanding of neuroscience. You will look at neuronal structure, function and information transmission, and the organisation of the nervous system and how this reflects the principles of information processing. You will examine the methods used to study structure and information processing in the brain, becoming familiar with the brain's functional architectures and the neural basis of learning. You will also consider brain evolution, and the biology and psychopharmacology of reward, reinforcement and psychological disorders.
Year 3
In this module, you will carry out a piece of research as part of a small group, closely supervised by a member of academic staff. You will develop teamwork, presentation and analytical skills, and produce a substantial, independently written, report of your study.
Optional Modules
There are a number of optional course modules available during your degree studies. The following is a selection of optional course modules that are likely to be available. Please note that although the College will keep changes to a minimum, new modules may be offered or existing modules may be withdrawn, for example, in response to a change in staff. Applicants will be informed if any significant changes need to be made.
Year 1
All modules are core
Year 2
In this module students will attend four workshops that will allow them to explore four different areas of employability that psychology graduates typically enter: Mental health (clinical psychology, health psychology, forensic psychology, etc.), Education (teaching, educational psychologist, etc.), Research (PhD, research associate, market research, etc.), and Careers beyond psychology (finance, HR, graduate schemes).
This module provides an overview to some of the ways in which applied and developmental perspectives in Psychology can be used to improve society. Students will obtain an appreciation regarding some of the conceptual issues regarding applied psychology, as well as an introduction to various ways that these perspectives can apply to societal issues/advancements.
This module provides an overview to some of the ways in which clinical and neuroscientific perspectives in Psychology can be used to improve society. Students will obtain an appreciation regarding some of the conceptual issues regarding clinical and neuroscience ethics, as well as an introduction to various ways that these perspectives can apply to societal issues/advancements.
Year 3
This module provides an overview of the historical context, models and classifications within psychopathology, followed by 8 lectures specific to adult psychopathological issues, e.g. psychosis, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and others. The final lecture will provide a summary and revision with the assistance from a MC quiz.
This module provides an introduction to developmental neurobiology, cognitive and perceptual development and the cognitive and neural bases of Dementia. Topics will include Normal and Abnormal brain development, Alzheimer's Disease, cognitive ageing and lifespan influence on ageing. The course develops an understanding of brain development across the life span, an understanding of developmental disease processes, and learning the relation between brain and cognitive development.
This module builds on knowledge from previous courses to develop an advanced understanding of current issues in Cognitive Neuroscience, to understand the mechanisms of brain damage, recovery and techniques employed in rehabilitation, and to develop a comprehensive understanding of specific specialist topics in clinical and cognitive neuroscience. Cognitive Neuroscience component: Controversies in Cognitive Neuroscience, The Human Brain: Understanding structure in the context of disorders, Primate Association Cortex: Rules and Decisions, The Social Brain, Neuroscience and the illusion of free will. Clinical Neuroscience component: Mechanisms of brain damage (neurodegenerative diseases and acute brain injury), mechanisms of recovery from brain damage (brain plasticity), Rehabilitation (Using neural transplants to repair brain damage, brain- machine interfaces)
This module develops understanding of how to identify research papers relevant to a health psychology topic, techniques to summarise and evaluate published evidence, relating to a health psychology, how to apply health psychology theory to a practical problem and how to describe and think critically about a number of health psychology theories, models and concepts.
This course uses the neuroconstructivist framework to study disorders of known genetic origin (Down syndrome, Fragile X, William syndrome) and multifactorial disorders such as ADHD, autism spectrum conditions, reading disorders, and specific language impairment. Core features of each disorder and methods for assessment and diagnosis are described. There is an emphasis on cross-syndrome comparisons and understanding the contributions of genes and environment to the wide variation in behavioural and cognitive profiles in different clinical conditions.
This module includes lectures and readings covering classical and contemporary approaches in educational psychology. These may include work on gender and diversity in education, learning and classroom interaction, intelligence and motivation, learning disorders and special educational needs, assessment, attainment, socio-emotional approaches to development and learning, psychological perspectives on education at different levels/ages.
This course gives an overview of the contributions from applied cognitive, social, forensic psychology and criminal psychology to the understanding of witness and criminal behaviour. It examines the evidence from child witnesses and impact of crime on victims of sexual offences and provides an understanding of the implications of forensic psychology in the justice system. You will be expected to demonstrate awareness of current theories and research related to witness and criminal behaviour. You will discuss issues related to the current state of knowledge on criminal behaviour and be critical about current incidents, research and media influences. Finally you will appreciate the contribution of psychological research in investigation of witness evidence and detection of crime within the Criminal Justice System.
The main focus of the module is to familiarise students with a range of software (e.g. R and Matlab) and quantitative techniques that are commonly used in psychology and behavioural neuroscience. The emphasis of the module is not on a deep understanding of mathematical principles but rather of how and when such techniques might be appropriate in real-world settings (e.g. market research, predicting consumption patterns). As such, the module is designed to introduce students to how and when these techniques might be applied in a range of software platforms that are commonly used in the private and public sector, as well as in academic research environments.
Why are we here? How should we live our lives? What happens after we die? These are all uniquely human questions brought about by our amazing capacity for self-awareness. To fully appreciate and understand human behaviour, we must first start to ask the questions about what strikes at the heart of the human condition. This module aims to encapsulate some issues that are thought to be at the essence of being human. The quest for love, our need for meaning, and the terror of death. Each lecture provides an overview to some of the ways that these basic aspects of the human psyche plays out in our lives, ranging from clinical/health (e.g., risky behaviours, depression, grief), social (e.g., prejudice, interpersonal relationships, identity) to environmental (e.g., climate change).
This module aims to equip students with a thorough understanding of the causes and consequences of brain damage in humans. The course covers how the study of individuals with brain damage can lead to a better understanding of human brain function and develops knowledge on the core ideas of recovery and neuro-rehabilitation.
The aim of this module is to produce a substantial piece of original written work exploring a topic of the student’s own interest in an in-depth, advanced level extended essay prepared under the guidance of a supervisor.
This course will introduce students to advanced statistical techniques, building upon the statistics knowledge gained from year one and year two modules. The aim is that throughout the course students will gain an understanding about how advanced statistical techniques can address more complex research questions. In building on previous knowledge this course will explore 3 way ANOVA (where you have three independent variables), MANOVA (where you have more than one dependent variable), Signal Detection Theory, dummy variables and interactive predictors in regression, structural equation modelling and more.
This module has been designed to raise awareness of EDI and aims to explore factors such as gender, racism, discrimination, poverty, social class, disability and sexuality and the implications of these concepts for education, workplace and physical and mental health. This module will take an in-depth view into how characteristics of EDI can lead to exclusion through behaviour that is driven by implicit norms and address the importance of acknowledging and tackling unconscious bias. Each lecture explores the importance of intersectionality and provides an overview of the key issues involved in barriers and access to equality of access, provision and learning.
We use a variety of different methods of assessment. These might include an essay about a controversial issue, an analysis of a video, a report of an experiment or a recently published research article. Some modules involve oral presentations.
Assessment is both summative (e.g. through exams and dissertations) and formative (e.g. essays which provide ongoing assessment and feedback), and the department has a tailor-made system of online feedback to provide detailed comments on essays and other coursework.
Many modules also have a written examination in May or June. Progression to the next year is dependent on passing the core modules. In combination, the quality and range of assessments will help you to develop a wide portfolio of skills and achieve high grades.
At least five GCSEs at grade A*-C or 9-4 including English and Mathematics.
Select your qualification
Select your qualification
International Baccalaureate
BTEC National Extended Diploma
BTEC National Diploma
BTEC National Extended Certificate
Welsh Baccalaureate
Scottish Advanced Highers
Scottish Highers
Irish Leaving Certificate
Access to Higher Education Diploma
English language requirements
All teaching at Royal Holloway is in English. You will therefore need to have good enough written and spoken English to cope with your studies right from the start.
The scores we require
IELTS: 6.5 overall. No subscore lower than 5.5.
Pearson Test of English: 61 overall. No subscore lower than 54.
Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English (ISE): ISE III.
Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) grade C.
Country-specific requirements
For more information about country-specific entry requirements for your country please visit here.
Study psychology, clinical psychology and mental health at Royal Holloway University of London and you’ll graduate with excellent prospects of progressing to a rewarding career or further study, both in the UK and internationally. The range of transferable skills you’ll develop during your studies will make you an attractive candidate in a variety of different fields.
The Department of Psychology is dedicated to helping students prepare for their graduate careers. Throughout their studies, students benefit from a series of careers seminars, events, advice and information. Plus, we have established connections with many local organisations, including the Macular Society, Southern Addictions Advisory Service and Bishop Creighton House, providing you with the chance to enjoy rewarding placement opportunities. Careers information and advice will be on hand throughout your studies, while annual ‘Meet Our Grads’ events mean you can share the knowledge and experience of our extensive alumni network.
As well as careers directly linked to criminology and psychology, the transferable skills gained will form an excellent basis for potential careers in criminal justice agencies. As such, graduates have found employment with criminal justice agencies such as the Crown Prosecution Service, the police, probation service, youth custody and the prison service. Others have pursued careers in banking, publishing, media, management, local government, mental health support, youth work or other support work.
In addition, a large number of students progress to further study at masters or doctoral level. For those interested in continuing onto postgraduate study, as this course is accredited by the British Psychological Society, graduates have the opportunity to gain Graduate and / or Chartered Membership of the Society, and eligibility to apply to our MSc in Forensic Psychology.
EU and international students tuition fee per year**: £27,500
Other essential costs***: There are no single associated costs greater than £50 per item on this course.
How do I pay for it? Find out more about funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries. UK students who have already taken out a tuition fee loan for undergraduate study should check their eligibility for additional funding directly with the relevant awards body.
*The tuition fee for Home (UK) undergraduates is controlled by Government regulations. This figure is the fee for the academic year 2025/26 and is shown as a guide. The fee for the academic year 2026/27 has not yet been announced.
**This figure is the fee for EU and international students starting a degree in the academic year 2025/26 and is shown as a guide. The fee for the academic year 2026/27 has not yet been confirmed.
Royal Holloway reserves the right to increase tuition fees annually for all students. For further information see fees and funding and the terms and conditions.
*** These estimated costs relate to studying this particular degree at Royal Holloway during the 2025/26 academic year and are included as a guide. Costs, such as accommodation, food, books and other learning materials and printing, have not been included.
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