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School of Life Sciences and the Environment

School of Life Sciences and the Enviroment

The School of Life Sciences and the Environment’s vision is to be world-leading across the full range of disciplines that make up our school: Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geography, Health Studies and Psychology. The School augments the work of our Departments through support for key areas of cross-cutting research in the Life and Environmental Sciences.
Our mission is to make positive societal change via means of producing high impact research, effective external partnerships and collaborations, and the highest quality of teaching by addressing 21st century challenges of sustainability and resource management, natural resources, conservation and ecosystems, and individual well-being.
Professor Klaus Dodds, Executive Dean of School

The new BSc Environment and Social Change trans-disciplinary degree is the fulfillment of the School’s mission and builds on the expertise of the Department of Geography and draws heavily from the involvement of the Department of Psychology, as well as external experts in policy change, politics and activism.