As of Tuesday, 4 May 2021, there are no students and no members of staff who have been on campus who are currently self-isolating after testing positive for coronavirus (Covid-19); this is out of a total of one student and zero members of staff who have reported positive tests to the university. We wish them a speedy recovery.
Members of staff who have been on campus
Members of the student body who have been on campus
Members of staff
Members of the student body
The seven day rolling average of student reported positive coronavirus tests at Royal Holloway:

How we are supporting our community
We have been in touch with each individual who is self-isolating after testing positive for coronavirus (Covid-19) and advised them that they must self-isolate for 10 days and that members of their household should self-isolate for 10 days. This is in accordance with government guidelines.
We are also ensuring that students who have tested positive or are self-isolating, and who are living on or off campus, have sufficient food and other groceries, can attend their classes online and have access to learning support materials. We are keeping in contact with them and providing other support on a case by case basis as appropriate. Members of staff who are self-isolating can access support from NHS Volunteer Responders who can help by collecting shopping and prescriptions and by providing regular contact by phone.
We are encouraging the individuals who have tested positive for Covid-19 to engage with NHS Test and Trace and we are working with those individuals to seek to identify any students or staff they may have come into close contact with. We are also encouraging everyone at Royal Holloway to download the NHS-Covid contact tracing app.
A semi-permanent Local Testing Site (LTS) has been established on campus for students, staff and members of the local community with symptoms of Covid-19. The LTS is likely to be operational until at least Spring 2021 and appointments must be booked via the government’s central testing system.
Douglas Searle, Director of Health and Safety, Royal Holloway, University of London, said: “The health, safety and well-being of students, staff and our wider community is a priority at Royal Holloway and we understand that people may be concerned. NHS Test and Trace or the university will be in touch with anyone we believe may have been in close contact with the individuals who are self-isolating after testing positive for coronavirus. We have prepared for cases of coronavirus within our community and are monitoring the situation on campus and in the area. We continue to urge the whole community to follow the rules and guidance in relation to social distancing and hygiene measures and encourage anyone with symptoms to request a test.”