Dr. Robert Lee, School of Business & Management, has won an award for most Outstanding Paper in the 2021, Emerald Literati Awards.

In Dec 2021, Dr. Robert Lee – Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, School of Business & Management – received an Emerald Literati Award for most Outstanding Paper published in the journal Multinational Business Review.
The College is proud to recognise Dr. Robert Lee winning this prestigious award.
The Emerald Literati Awards have rewarded and celebrated the most outstanding contributions and high-quality research by authors for over 25 years. Outstanding papers must contribute to the field and body of scholarly knowledge itself, and positively impact society.
Dr. Robert Lee’s winning research paper demonstrates the positive effects of host country collaborative business networks and knowledge absorption routines on international high-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) innovative foreign knowledge inflows.
The research was an international collaboration, including Professor Heinz Tuselman – UN Expert Group Investment for Development and analysed data from German Federal Government census-databases of international nanotech and biotech SMEs. German SMEs are top performers in terms of internationalisation, growth, innovation and technology development.
Speaking about his winning paper, he said:
"SMEs are a crucial source of economic growth and policymakers recognise the need for evidence informed initiatives to foster the growth and internationalisation of ambitious and innovative enterprises. Our findings help assist policymakers implementing the flagship EU Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan to offer tailored advice and guidance to SMEs internationalising technology products.
Indeed, initiatives such as the Enterprise Europe Networks, European Innovation Partnerships, European Institute of Technology and Business and Sector Skills Agencies can better promote effective networking and knowledge assimilation routines to foster the knowledge-base of high-potential international SMEs, this also seems important for the EUs post-Covid economic response".