I am Language Tutor in Italian in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. I teach Italian language and culture at all levels. I convene and co-ordinate all Italian language courses, which include courses on grammar, reading and writing skills, oral proficiency, and advanced conversation focusing on cultural and political issues.

I co-designed the first-year Italian Language: Culture and Translation course, which is part of the recently created Translation Studies degree programme, and I have taught translation from and into Italian at advanced level. I also teach the Italian Beginners course in the Languages for All programme, which offers a range of optional courses in Modern Foreign Languages open to everyone here at Royal Holloway.
I am also an active early-career researcher specialised in Early Modern Italian Literature. I recently obtained my PhD in Italian studies at RHUL, funded by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. My doctoral research focusses on the reception of Ludovico Ariosto’s chivalric poem Orlando Furioso in the sixteenth century and explores its continued and significant role within cultural and geographical areas where it underwent a process of marginalisation.
My field of research is Renaissance Italian literary culture, with a focus on studies of reception and theoretical formulations of dissemination and adaptation. I am particularly interested in the reception and rewriting of canonical literary works as they are transposed and tested against new genres, media and cultural domains. I have discussed a religious rewriting of Ariosto in Dreaming again on things already dreamed’: 500 years of 'Orlando Furioso' (1516-2016), edited by M. Dorigatti and M. Pavlova, (Oxford-New York: Peter Lang, 2019). I have co-organised with Dr Serena Alessi the one-day colloquium ‘Rewriting the female’, funded by HARC (now HARI). I am a member of the Higher Education Academy as well as the Society for Italian Studies.
More information about my research is available via Pure