Every year, we host an Exploring Maths event at Royal Holloway, aimed at students taking A-Level Mathematics or an equivalent qualification (and their teachers). We hope to increase the students’ enjoyment and understanding by illustrating the beauty, breadth and power of Mathematics.
Exploring Maths 2018
Exploring Maths programme - 18 June 2018
During the day there are mathematical talks, short quizzes and campus tours. There is also a session specifically for teachers to see how the Further Maths network can support them. Students will also have an informal chance to meet current undergraduates and staff at Royal Holloway.
More information about Exploring Maths 2018 can be found here
Please note this year’s event is now fully booked and there is a waiting list in operation
Enquiries can be made to the Department by phone on 01784 443093 or via email - exploringmaths@rhul.ac.uk