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Frequently asked questions on the Hilda Martindale Awards

Frequently asked questions on the Hilda Martindale Awards

Find out answers to the questions most frequently asked about the Hilda Martindale Trust Awards.

Our main criteria

Our main criteria for an award are as follows:

  • You must be a female British national.
  • Your intended career must be in a field/area/profession where women are underrepresented (see below).
  • Your course of study must be at undergraduate or postgraduate level, and offered by a UK Higher Education institution.

Please see our Eligibility Criteria document for further detail.

How much can I apply for?

The maximum amount you can apply for is £3,000.

When can I apply?

Applications for the 2024/25 academic year are now open. The closing date for applications is midnight on Wednesday 7 February 2024. 

Your frequently asked questions

…if I am not British?

No. You must be a British national. If an award is made you will be asked to provide evidence of your British nationality, such as a British passport. If you are unsure whether or not you have British nationality, please refer to this page of the website.

…if I am not a student at Royal Holloway?

Yes. Although the Hilda Martindale Trust is administered by the Council of Royal Holloway, University of London, you do not have to be a student here to apply.

if I am a first year undergraduate?

No. The Trustees will not make awards for the first year of undergraduate study. When considering applications from continuing undergraduates, priority is given to those applying for funding for in their final year of undergraduate study.

…if I have want to complete an MSc/MA/PhD?

Yes. You will need to demonstrate that the training is required in order to pursue a career in a field/area/profession in which women are underrepresented. For further details, please see our Eligibility Criteria document

…if the course I want to attend is abroad?

No, the course must be in the United Kingdom at a UK Higher Education Institution.

…if I want to study Psychology or Medical/Dental/Veterinary studies?

The Trustees do not accept that these are fields in which women are generally underrepresented. If you wish to apply, you must provide evidence of women's underrepresentation in your specialist area of this field. In your Personal Statement Trustees will also expect to see evidence of practical experience which demonstrates a firm intention to pursue a career in this specialist area.

…for an award for an NVQ, Access or Foundation programme?

No. Awards are only made for students undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate course of study. 

…for an award for a short programme?

No. Awards are not made for courses which are less than a full year in length.

…for an award for elective studies?


…for an award for intercalated BSc years during a UK Medical, Dental, Veterinary, or Nursing course?


…for an award for a special project in the UK or abroad?


Do you consider that women are underrepresented in 'x' profession?

Please refer to the our Eligibility Criteria document, which explores this further. As there are so many possibilities, it is difficult to advise on a case-by-case basis via email. If you think that you meet the eligibility criteria, please do submit an application for the Trustees to consider.

When do applications open?

Applications for the 2024/25 academic year are open. The closing date is midnight on Wednesday 7 February 2024. 

How do I apply?

You can apply online here. We recommend that you first review our Application Guidance document. It is not possible to save a partially-completed online application.

How many awards are made each year?

The highest number of awards we have made for a single year is 16. Normally, we make fewer than ten awards. On average, we receive five times more applications than the number of awards we make.

When is the closing date?

The deadline for applications for the 2024/25 academic year is midnight on Wednesday 7 February 2024.

Late applications will not be accepted.

If I am eligible for a postgraduate loan – may I still apply to the Hilda Martindale Trust?

If you are eligible for a postgraduate loan, we will expect you to have fully explored this option. If you’re in receipt of a loan, please note this on your application. 

I need some financial assistance urgently. Can the Trust help?

Sorry, we are unable to provide financial assistance at short notice. The Trustees meet once a year to agree awards. The awards are then paid in three equal instalments throughout the next academic year once your continuing satisfactory attendance has been confirmed each term by the institution you are attending.  

If my application is successful, when will I hear?

We will provide all applicants with the outcome of their application, whether they are successful or unsuccessful. The date that we can update applicants depends on a number of factors, but we aim to do so by the end of May following the application closing date. 

If I don’t receive an award can I appeal?

No, the Trustees’ decision is final and the Trust does not operate an appeals process.

If I don’t receive an award can you tell me why?

Sorry, no. We receive, on average, over five times more applications than awards we are able to make in each year. In order to keep costs down and maximise funds available to applicants, the Trust has limited administration support and so cannot provide feedback on applications. If you are unsuccessful and wish to re-apply the following year, you are welcome to do so. We would recommend that you read through our Eligibility Criteria and Guidance document.

The awards made by the Trust are personal awards. The awarded amount will be paid to the awardee directly, via a personal bank account. The Trust cannot make payments directly to an institution, and will not be acting as a sponsor.

The awards made by the Trust are payable in three equal termly instalments. At the start of each term, awardees will be sent a confirmation of attendance letter, which should be completed by their institution. Once completed forms have been received, that term's instalment will be paid. The Trust is unable to confirm a date by which payments will be made in each term, and is unable to enter into correspondence regarding payments with an awardee's institution.

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