Our series of workshops and talks inspire students from Widening Access backgrounds to find out more about university.
If you're a teacher looking to find out how to help your students explore higher education, you're in the right place. From this page you can find out about the different sessions we offer to make sure your students are armed with the knowledge they need when making important choices about their future.
All our sessions are engaging and inspiring and are run by friendly members of our Widening Access team. We can either visit your school or college to deliver the session, or you can opt for an online session.
Use the drop down menu to find out more about our workshops and talks and then click the button below to book.
Book your activity
We'd also love to meet your students at one of our free residential visits where they'll experience what it's like to live and study at university. Find out more.
Available sessions
What is university? (Years 7-9)
This session introduces university to students currently in Years 7-9. They'll leave with an understanding of how university is different from school, the intellectual, cultural and financial value of a degree, the support available while studying and more confidence about the benefits of a university education.
Why university? (Years 10-13)
This session is aimed at students in Years 10-13 and can be tailored to your school or college. We'll discuss the value of a university degree as well as offering tips on choosing a university and degree course.
Students will leave with:
- Understanding of the value of a degree in all terms (intellectual, cultural, financial, etc.)
- Knowledge about the academic, financial and pastoral support available within universities
- Belief in own ability to progress to Higher Education/other post-18 pathways
- Commitment to education, learning and development
How to choose university and a degree course
During this session we'll talk to students about how to navigate the different options when choosing a university and degree course, including league tables, university websites and open days.
Students will leave with:
- Understanding of the value of a degree in all terms (intellectual, cultural, financial, etc.)
- Understanding the application process for Higher Education
- Confidence to navigate post-18 pathways by making considered decisions
- Confidence in the personal benefits attending university can bring them
- Resilience to overcome obstacles on the way to Higher Education/other post-18 pathways
Personal statement workshop
This session will help students understand how to write a successful personal statement, which they'll need when applying to university.
Students will leave with:
- Understanding of the application process for Higher Education
- Ability to write concisely and effectively about themselves to create a personal statement
- Belief in own ability to progress to Higher Education/other post-18 pathway
- Confidence in own subject knowledge and ability to study it at a university level
Funding university
A factual no-nonsense talk about student loans including repayments, bursaries and scholarships.
Students will leave with:
- Understanding of Student Finance and the process to apply for it
- Confidence in the personal benefits attending university can bring them
- Confidence in the application processes for Higher Education and Student Finance
Student life
A guide to the differences between school and university and what to expect from university life.
Students will leave with:
- Understanding of the value of a degree in all terms (intellectual, cultural, financial, etc.)
- Confidence in the personal benefits attending university can bring them