I am a Language Tutor in Italian in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. I teach Italian language and culture at all levels: my lessons are focused on grammar as well as on the improvement of students’ writing skills and oral proficiency. My teaching often incorporates cultural and art-historical themes, reflecting my academic interests and background.
In addition to my work as a Language Tutor, as a PhD student at Royal Holloway I have had the opportunity to teach content courses such as Visual Art: Artists and Their Materials. In 2020, together with Professor Giuliana Pieri, I won a College Excellence Teaching Commendation in recognition of our innovative use of gallery workshops in teaching Italian Language and promoting a new approach in language learning. I am a member of the Higher Education Academy as well as the Society for Italian Studies. Recently I also worked as Associate Lecturer in Italian at Birkbeck University, learning to work with mature students.
I recently obtained a PhD in Italian funded by Technē with an in-depth study on the emergence of Programmed and Kinetic Art in Italy in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It is one of the first studies on the subject in the UK where there are almost no bibliographical resources on the subject. My years of study on this particular avant-garde art movement helped me to develop a particular interest in the role of the observer in the enjoyment of artistic content.In 2021 I started co-curating some workshops with a colleague to better understand the importance of the five senses in the enjoyment of contemporary art as well as to analyse the predominant role of sight in museum experiences, and how to promote a more inclusive approach to contemporary art.
I am very interested in the concepts of intermediality and interdisciplinarity in the art world: I actively collaborated in the Interdisciplinary Italy research project and blog in which Royal Holloway was the lead research organisation and, in 2019, I actively collaborated in the organisation of 'Interart/Intermedia Experimentations in Italy through the Ages', an international conference on this theme held at Royal Holloway.