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Perfect scores from Physics and Astronomy students in NSS 2024

Perfect scores from Physics and Astronomy students in NSS 2024

  • Date26 July 2024

The National Student Survey (NSS) 2024 results have confirmed the outstanding level of satisfaction with teaching and overall experience among students in the Department of Physics at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Physics students in the teaching lab

The NSS results position Physics third out of 48 departments nationally * and reveal higher scores in every measure year on year.

Perfect scores of 100% from Physics students were recorded in a number of key questions in the survey, including:

100% say staff are good at explaining things

100% say the course is intellectually stimulating

100% say the course introduces subjects and skills to build on learning effectively

100% say subject equipment and resources are easy to access.

Professor Stephen Gibson, Head of the Department of Physics at Royal Holloway commented,

“We are thrilled to receive such positive feedback from our students about their teaching and learning in Physics. As a department we remain firmly committed to delivering a high-quality academic experience to our students in a supportive and inclusive community, and equipping them with the skills that employers seek, so our graduates can succeed in their chosen career.

As a major centre for Physics research-led teaching, we’re renowned for our world-leading expertise ranging from the study of supercooled liquids used by quantum computers, to colliding particles at near light-speed to learn about the fundamental properties of matter and understanding how coalescing black holes emit gravitational waves. These NSS results highlight that our staff are as passionate about their research as they are about teaching and guiding our students successfully to get the most out of their studies here at Royal Holloway.“

At institution level Royal Holloway also saw an increased positive response, with 81% average satisfaction, which is a larger improvement than seen across the sector.

The NSS is an important benchmark as it asks final year students to give their opinions covering themes directly relating to student experience from their time at the university. Questions are asked about the quality of teaching and support, learning resources and outcomes, assessment and feedback, university services and facilities, plus the impact of the student voice. The data is collected anonymously, allowing students to give honest answers, and results are provided as a positivity score.


* The sector comparator group comprises the universities included in the 2024 Guardian League Table


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